July 2023 - We are excited to announce Pablo Delgado has filled the roll as new executive director of Open Arms. We thank Haroldo Nunes for his many years of service, and assisting with this transition.
Who is Open Arms?
We welcome, accompany, and partner with Latino immigrants in building a safe and sustainable life.
Open Arms is based out of Orrville, Ohio and offers services to Wayne, Holmes, and Stark Counties. For over 20 years we have been welcoming, accompanying, and partnering with Latino immigrants.
Read More About Open Arms | Mission & Vision Statements

Services We Offer
Dental/Medical Appointments - We accompany immigrants to appointments helping them with translation and transportation when needed.
Translation Services - We help parents enroll children in school. We translate for employees. We help clients fill out forms and understand mail they receive.
Children's Tutoring & Summer Camps - With assistance from many of our volunteers, we provide tutoring for Latino children to help get caught up in school. Summer Camp is always a highlight for them.
Legal Assistance - With the help of partner organizations we help immigrants navigate our complex legal system.
Compassion Fund - When medical, housing, legal aid, or other material needs arise, we have a compassion fund to help with part of the need.
Join Us - How Can I Get Involved?
Volunteer - We are looking for volunteer assistance in the following areas:
- Tutors to assist with the children's tutoring program.
- Transportation to help get clients to appointments
- English Classes for adults
- Driver Ed training
Contact us to learn more.
Donate - Open Arms relies on financial donations from our supports to pay for staff and to be able to give generously from our Compassion Fund. Also gently used furniture and clothing are often needed when immigrants move into the area.
Other Needs - Affordable housing. We are in the middle of brainstorming how we help find quality affordable housing in our area.