This is an excerpt from the October 2019 Newsletter. Read the full newsletter here.
My sisters and brothers, I thank God for you and your support of Open Arms. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve and help with the spiritual and material needs of Hispanic immigrants in our area.
My wife Esmirna and I have been busy helping people with immigration lawyers, school meetings, doctor’s appointments, court appearances and so on. This is a time of suffering and uncertainty for our Hispanic sisters and brothers in the United States. We are seeing people that have not been able to work for months now because of the stricter enforcement at the meat processing plants and other work sites that are major sources of employment for our Hispanic immigrants. The biggest problem now for these companies is that employers are finding very few Americans to hire for many of the jobs that the immigrant workforce does, which affects their stability and hurts the general economy. Raids are still occurring at work sites, causing fear, confusion, and in some cases taking people to the edge of committing suicide. Employers are hoping for assistance with their immigrant workforce at this unstable time for both employer and employees, and I am happy to report that I have been able to be of service locally.
I’m helping a company in Wooster with a workforce that is more than 50% Hispanic. They started a program to assist their employees with problems that can reduce their performance at work. We are also working with two other organizations that are supporting their Anglo workforce as well. This is a dream that we have had for some time that God is helping us to accomplish!
We are also working to strengthen our partnership with OHuddle. I started a mentorship relationship with a Hispanic boy whose family I’ve been helping with employment, Medicaid and other needs. One of our Board members will also begin tutoring in mid-October through our partnership. We are trying to recruit more volunteers that will be able to help ESL (English as Second Language) students at Orrville Jr. High and High School.
In addition, I hope we can be working to fortify the partnership with Living Water and their ministry in the Massillon area to work together to support our Hispanic sisters and brothers with their needs and challenges in Stark County. Unhappily, a good number of people moved from the area because Freshmark laid off many Hispanic employees.
On October 13th, we held our fall fundraiser, “Songs and Salsa.” The event was well attended, and the donations raised toward our ministry showed the generosity of people sharing God’s love with their support of Open Arms Hispanic Ministry.

Soon we will start to plan the 17th Hispanic Family Retreat, which will take place at Camp Luz, June 12-14th 2020. Please pray for this important event for Ohio’s Hispanic families.
Thanks to the Holy Spirit that is empowering our work and the Creator that is giving us guidance, love, courage, gifts and talents to build together, the Kingdom of God in Earth.
Thanks for your contribution! Please keep praying, supporting, helping and loving our Hispanic sisters and brothers, giving them hope!
May the peace of God be with you! Blessings!
Pastor Haroldo Nunes